May 26, 2013


Categories: 2013

Artist Residency

Artist Residency
Multimedia Installation.
Outlandia, Glen Nevis, Scotland
20th-26th May 2013

I have been offered an artist residency at Outlandia, an off-grid, artist studio, up a steep forest track on a hillside facing Ben Nevis. The aim is to create an experimental, radical approach to a challenging natural and working environment that will engage with the local tensions around nature, industry, tourism or heritage. Outlandia by artists London Fieldworks was designed by Edinburgh based Malcolm Fraser Architects. Tracey Warr is Associate Curator for the project and its Honorary Patron is Robert Macfarlane. Outlandia is supported by an Advisory Group of local artists, residents and curators and is located in a copse of Norwegian Spruce in Glen Nevis on Forestry Commission land, at the foot of Ben Nevis in the Scottish Highlands, approximately 3 miles from the town of Fort William.